Check out the latest club member emails here.

February 22, 2025

Here is the latest update for the Pickleball Club:

ERNE Training: The next training session for the ERNE ball machine will be on Tuesday, March 4th at 10:30 am. Go to Sign-Up Genius to register.

FunFest: The annual SCC FunFest will be Saturday, March 8th from 9 am until 2 pm. Please sign up to work the pickleball booth on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board. Come by the pickleball booth for the famous breakfast naked burritos!

Team Reach: Please go to Team Reach to sign up for the pizza night social on February 25th, the men’s intermediate play with Valencia Lakes on February 26th, and women’s beginner play with Valencia Lakes on March 12th. Check Team Reach as new events are being added on a regular basis.

New Pickleball Clinics: Starting in March, new “Lightning” clinics will be held in addition to the regular clinics. The Lightning clinics are designed to work on one specific shot or series of skills in a 45-minute session. Up to eight (8) people can sign up for $5 per person (go to Sign-Up Genius to register). The four Lightning sessions being offered are 1) third shot drop, 2) consistency in dinking, 3) proper shot selection at the kitchen and 4) improving reaction times. If you have questions, call Greg Eisman at 985-285-6267

February 19, 2025

Communication Methods for Members: There are several ways to stay informed about our pickleball club. These include email blasts, the website (, Team Reach, Sign-up Genius, and the bulletin board at the courts. Please take advantage of each one of these valuable assets to enhance your pickleball experience!

Team Reach: When using Team Reach to sign up for any event (socials, inter-community play or lessons), please be considerate. If you sign up to attend and cannot, simply go on the app and click “NO” and you will be removed from the list. We have had two inter-community socials with Valencia Lakes, and both times Sun City Center had players who indicated they were coming but did not attend, making it difficult to hold the event. In the case of socials, if you say “YES” and don’t show, we waste club money on buying food that goes unused.

Want to Save Money?: has a program where club members can get a 5% discount on items purchased online by using our club’s code. If you apply code CRSCCPC (not case sensitive) to your purchase, not only will you personally save 5%, but 5% of your purchase price will be sent to our club for us to use to purchase balls or other items for our club.

FunFest: The festival is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th from 9 am to 2 pm. There are several ways you can help…. volunteer to work at the booth (sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board), make a donation of cash or provide items that can be raffled off, or just come by the booth that day and have one of our world-famous naked burritos!

Pickleball Clinics: There are openings for February clinics on Sign-Up Genius. The schedule for March will be out soon. Contact Greg Eisman at 985-285-6267.

Court Resurfacing: No specific timetable on when the resurfacing of the courts will begin, but it should be in the month of March.

Calendar of Events:

Tues, Feb 25th   Pizza Night social (6 pm to 8 pm)

Sat, Mar 8th   FunFest (9 am to 2 pm)

Mon, Mar 17th   St. Patrick’s Day social (6 pm to 8 pm)

Wed, Mar 19th   Spring Membership Meeting (6 pm in the Caper Room)

See you on the courts!!

February 2, 2025

Exciting News on Court Repairs. Last week, a few members of the Pickleball Club board met with the contractor who constructed our eight courts to discuss the numerous cracks and rust spots that have appeared. The CA was instrumental in coordinating this meeting and is firmly supportive of repairs as soon as possible. The contractor has agreed to refurbish all eight courts at his company’s expense. The cost to do the refurbishment is around $20,000, but there will be no cost to the Pickleball Club.

We also have the opportunity to make modifications to the existing color scheme of our courts since the courts are going to be completely repainted, so the board has made the decision to keep the color scheme of the court itself the same but change the gray color outside of all the courts to green. The main reason for this change is that the light gray we have now shows stains and wear and tear a lot more than a darker color.

In order to make these repairs, four courts will be closed at a time. The Board worked diligently to make sure that the other courts will be available for play as this work progresses. The contractor will put down a fiberglass overlay and then re-paint the courts with the light blue/blue and green color scheme. This work will take about one week (depending on the weather). Once the first four courts have been completed, the other four courts will be unavailable for play for a week to do the same work. The board has asked for this work to start as soon as possible but we at this point do not have a scheduled start date. While it would be more convenient to do this work later in the year, there would be no guarantee that the work would be accomplished, so the sooner the better.

With the high number of players who have come out recently, we are all going to need to exercise some patience during this process. Be considerate of others who are waiting to play (you should be doing this all the time anyway) so that no one group, or individual dominates court time. For the minor inconvenience over a two-week period, the club will see a significant improvement in all eight of our courts.

The contractor has also agreed to repair and/or replace several of the gates that are not working properly. It is important that all players close the gate once play is completed so that they don’t swing on their own and damage the hinges. Let’s all do our part to keep these courts in the best shape possible.

Archive 2025 Club Member Emails